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ray at convention in atlanta

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26 July 2003, 05:39 AM
ray at convention in atlanta
The website featuring my book, a historical novel, can be viewed here: http://hiddennook.com/page5.html
I've been told it is a creditable presentation of fact in fictional form. Unlike Greg's, mine may have been self-published, but so was Jane Austen's first work.

[This message has been edited by dandelion (edited 07-26-2003).]
26 July 2003, 07:53 PM
Nard Kordell
Come one!
We all know Ray is the greatest living writer today.
But does Ray really, fully know it? I don't think many of us really really really know just how great and WHY is he is so great.....Oh, we know he is great...we love him. But he is even greater than we know....
Many, many writers have great influences on generations after them:
Look at Shakespeare: Immeasureable. Charles Dickens: Immeasurable.
Robert Louis Stevenson: Immeasurable. Clive S. Lewis: Immeasurable.
Ray Bradbury: Immeasurable.
But one of the things that makes Ray so fascinating is...HE IS ALIVE TODAY!

But moreso.
He comes from a later generation of great writers who... are profoundly gifted with magic....Magic, meaning, this indescribable allure in their words that changes our own life...for the better... remember that: FOR THE BETTER.... the reader is no longer the same. How can that be?
I don't really think the audience he is speaking to...is really us. We're all merely getting the periphereals. You get that? I don't think the audience he is speaking to is us. It is ...."later people". People not born yet. Those are the ones he is truly talking to.... What do you think!!?
Go figure!
They are probably the ones who will benefit the most from Bradbury. Those are the ones that will may save the world. They are the ones who will skim past the universe as we know it carrying "S is for Space" in some new computer chip that is not a chip but a... speck... implanted not in some fingernail but the very first taste bud of the tongue....
In the meanwhile, we have him...and he has us!!

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 07-26-2003).]
27 July 2003, 01:29 AM
With so many to say so much about Ray, one would hope a Biography Channel or Intimate Portrait Profile of the man might be forthcoming. Imagine such a thing occuring on the wings of Sam's authorized bio and the 50th anniversary of F451.

Where's a good public relations director when you need one?
27 July 2003, 01:48 AM
Good idea, Celestial! I'd love to see either A & E or Biography do one of their shows on him. Their shows are always so well done, I find myself watching episodes about people I never had much interest in and then gaining a new interest in them. The thought of them doing an episode on Ray, someone I already love learning about, is very exciting. I wonder how to go about getting him considered. Perhaps we can start by e-mailing either or both of those networks....
And Nard, I enjoyed your comments about Ray perhaps writing for those who come after us. In some ways I agree, and I sure do hope many future generations will enjoy Ray as much as I do. On the other hand, I think one of the reasons I love Ray so much is because he seems, in some ways, to be speaking directly to me. No, I don't mean on a personal or crazy level, like those people who think the t.v. or certain celebrities are talking directly to them, but on a spiritual level. Every time I read his work I feel some kind of connection, some kind of joy, that no other author gives me. I know I've tried to explain it here before, and I always wind up unable to fully articulate it; it's just totally instinctive. But on this board, where there are so many that love Ray, I know that many of you understand what I'm trying to say, despite my fumbling and stumbling.
27 July 2003, 01:50 PM
Nard Kordell

27 July 2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by dandelion:
The website featuring my book, a historical novel, can be viewed here: http://hiddennook.com/page5.html
I've been told it is a creditable presentation of fact in fictional form. Unlike Greg's, mine may have been self-published, but so was Jane Austen's first work.

[This message has been edited by dandelion (edited 07-26-2003).]

Hey all: I have read DAndelion's book and I highly recommend it. Please order a copy and read it for yourself. she writes very well and the topic is history and a commentary on the plight of two groups of people who started as trusting interdepentent pioneers and then things went terribly bad. The book also reads like a mystery in many ways. Take a look.

[This message has been edited by patrask (edited 07-27-2003).]