Ray Bradbury Forums
*Multi-Genre Paper*

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09 May 2003, 11:06 AM
*Multi-Genre Paper*
Well. It seems that in the last few weeks of school, my junior year Honors English teacher decides that the best thign for us all is a multi-genre paper over an important American author. Can you guess who I chose? So far, I've only read Fahrenheit 451, and I'm part-way through Something Wicked This Way Comes, with the intent of reading the Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, and From the Dust Returned. Any comments or ideas where I could find anything about Ray or his books would be appreciated, or tips for writing a multi-genre paper, as this is my first. Feel free to drop me a line, though I'm not online much. It's my Username @hotmail.com. Much appreciated!!
09 May 2003, 01:38 PM
"Multi-genre"? Why not explore the differences between the novel, TV miniseries and stage play versions of "The Martian Chronicles?"
09 May 2003, 03:54 PM
...unless you mean that the project that you're doing is supposed to be multi-genre,
I'm not sure. In my junior year we did a similar project, and I picked E.L.Doctorow over Bradbury by a slim margin, just because I had recently read a couple of his books and wanted to dive in further. I think you've made a great choice!

There are many people here who know much more specific things about the available resources than I do. Keep watching and they will probably jump in. Other than that, just surf around archived threads on this site for queries similar to yours. Tons of people ask for reference advice here and you're bound to find stuff while you're waiting.

Best of luck,
