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Ray Bradbury story?

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13 October 2009, 02:21 PM
Ray Bradbury story?
I hope someone can help me identify a story that has haunted me since I was a young adult. I believe it is a Bradury story, very short as I remember it, and involved people buried in coffins more or less communicating through morse code by tapping on their coffins. I had thought it was a story in Dark Carnival, but I read it in some collection. Strange how some tales can stick with you, as this one I have tried to identify for over 30 years.

13 October 2009, 02:49 PM
I think the story you to which you refer may be "Interim", as it originally appear in DARK CARNIVAL (Ray later re-used this title for a different story). This short story in DARK CARNIVAL involved the dead communicating among themselves about a resident of their cemetery giving birth.