Ray Bradbury Forums
Hey !! What is this "Fahrenheit 911 " nonsense ?

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18 April 2003, 07:25 AM
Hey !! What is this "Fahrenheit 911 " nonsense ?
Mr. Dark,

Have I been misconstrued? Because I don't quite get your "denial is a wonderful thing" line.

What I meant was I prefer to think Robbins and Sarandon are flashing the V for Victory sign without realizing it.

A weak attempt at irony but an attempt nonetheless.

18 April 2003, 10:04 AM
Mr. Dark
Oops. Gotcha. You WERE misconstrued by a guy who's just too impatient with some of this. I must need to increase my "Paxil" dosages! (I missed the "without realizing it" implication.)
18 April 2003, 04:50 PM
If you were an avid reader of Bradbury you would know that you just advocated a type of censorship. You advocated for a person to change what they wrote just because you don't agree with it. If you read Fahrenheit 451 then you should have picked up that he is against censorship, because that was an underlying theme in the book.
18 April 2003, 05:13 PM
Dear Mr./Ms. Spockrules101,

Really? Mr. Bradbury is opposed to censorship? Imagine that.

Seriously, I don't quite know what you're getting at. Advocating a "type of censorship?" I don't think any of these posts were suggesting anything of the sort. Perhaps you'd like to clarify your point so that we can debate this better.

18 April 2003, 07:09 PM
I don't think anyone here is suggesting that Moore et al don't have a right to express their own political views. But BRADBURY HIMSELF objects to Michael Moore hijacking his title.
18 April 2003, 07:36 PM
Nard Kordell

Good grief!

The author, Mr. Bradbury Himself...is upset and tried to get the title dropped.

Now think about that!

The author looks at this as someone shouldering their way into the dinner table. Unwelcomed.

What if we created someone named 'Splock' with square tipped ears?
(Let's see how loyal a Trekkie you are....)

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 04-18-2003).]
18 April 2003, 08:00 PM
Mr. Dark
I am vaguely familiar with the idea of censorship as a theme in F451.

I also understand that there are different types of censorship. On the other hand, strictly speaking, censorship generally deals with that restriction of the communication of ideas executed or enjoined by the government. Additionally, in the case of copyrights and trademark restrictions, the government retains the right to control some communications in a way that I think Bradbury's ideas of censorship would not condemn.

Along with some other posts, I'm not sure what type of censorship you thought I was exercising or endorsing and what the example of that might have been from my post.
22 April 2003, 01:06 AM
Nard Kordell
I am SURE that rascal Michael Moore gets lots and lots and lots of emails. But what the heck. What's a few Moore. I mean more.

Okay, let 'em have it...

email for Michael Moore:


(Whatdoyouthink:: He's probably a nice guy once you get to know him...!!)
24 April 2003, 11:44 AM
Mr. Dark
Maybe he's a nice guy, but he is a muckraker/curmudgeon -- so being a nice guy is not in the job description.

Also, I read some interviews with some of the people he invited up on the Academy Awards stand with him. Although some supported his stance, several were not told he was going to make a political statement and that he was just sharing credit. When they were up there and watched him, they said he had "used" them to give credence to his outburst. Several were angry about it, and said it was just dishonest.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Dark (edited 04-24-2003).]
29 April 2003, 05:31 PM
Arg. (also known as "yargh" "yarg" and "argh") Moore bothers me. As one sage person posted earlier (paraphrase) anyone suggesting, or advocating supremely simplistic solutions to such problems are not to be trusted (though thats not to say "dont consider them"). Too many words. factoid time: Moore must feel some kind of power... ive suddenly decided it doesnt matter. it bothered me yes. none of this matters. its all just a miniscule vortex, a ripple in ongoing effervescent life. and its slowly spinning itself into nothing. and finally its gone.
29 April 2003, 06:16 PM
Mr. Dark
Given that nihilistic world view, I hope we can at least find meaning in the spinning.
29 April 2003, 08:15 PM
Nard Kordell
Mr. Dark::: Obviously a visit to:

is necessary.....
29 April 2003, 10:27 PM
Mr. Dark
Very good. I could use the workout anyway. Very clever. I never would have thought of a "spinning" site.
30 April 2003, 12:55 AM
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about the title. You can't copyright a title. I just don't like that as a Bradbury fan who doesn't agree with Moore's politics, I'm gonna have to put up with stupid people associating one of my favorite books with some leftwing propagandist... oops, I mean "documentary filmmaker"
30 April 2003, 01:19 AM
Mr. Dark
I agree. His arrogance really shows through when he ignores a direct request by the author -- especially an author with Bradbury's stature. It's really shameless -- whatever his politics!