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Nazi Book Burnings

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01 May 2003, 12:06 AM
Mr. Dark
Nazi Book Burnings
I'm not sure anyone is asking anyone to suppress their opinion in the face of extremism. I oppose essentially all book burning. I believe -- even within the ranks of religion -- in the free marketplace of ideas.

When you read the Koran and the NT, the references indicate (at least in my interpretation) that coming to God IN FREEDOM is the only way that counts. The NT has many scriptures that tell us we don't get to judge others and that we need to focus on living our lives in harmony with our own consciences. When churches burn books, it seems to me, they are admitting that their arguments (tesimony, witness) are not powerful enough to overcome false (evil, bad) ideas.

I believe that good ideas ARE more powerful than bad ideas. But in a free society, we let the two sides battle it out. In my opinion, when we suppress ideas, we have lost our moral authority. Good ideas should win out over bad ideas. But they should do so because they are good.

On the other hand, sometimes the implication seems to be that people who are religious are automatically stupid, repressive and close-minded. Anyone who thinks that to be the case clearly has not studied the great theological and philosophical writings that represent man's search for truth over the centuries. This name-calling and these ad hominum arguments are another brutal form of censorship. We browbeat those with other beliefs, rather than respecting their ability to make these kinds of decisions for themselves. Name-calling and intimidation constitute the supression of the free exchange of ideas just as book-burning does.
01 May 2003, 01:08 AM
Nard Kordell
I guess it's time for my own type of censoring. It's 12:10 AM East Coast Time.
Switch is off. Good night, folks...
01 May 2003, 07:25 AM
As always, Mr. Dark is on the ball and manages to respond much better than I. So mega dittoes on his points.

But I'm glad to see, WritingReptile, you aren't opposed to a church barbecuing a few books, which is really my point, I guess. Their act is their choice, their freedom of speech, as it were. Don't agree? No kidding. Just lets stop with the name calling, huh? Surely you can express your point of view without resorting to the name calling of those opposed to your view.

01 May 2003, 07:48 AM
WHEN did I call anyone names?

And I'm not judging anyone by their religion...just by their actions. Burning a book--be it Harry Potter or the Bible--is not going to get you on my good list.
01 May 2003, 09:24 AM
Mr. Dark
WritingReptile: This looks like name-calling to me:

"What I'm saying is, I refuse to remain silent about it. I refuse to be complacent in the face of fear, ignorance and stupidity -- especially when someone else's narrow interpretation of a belief system is being used to persecute or oppress others."

The implication I took from this is that those "narrow interpreters" of "a belief system" were driven by "fear", "ignorance" and "stupidity". This looks like name-calling -- rather than rational discourse -- to me. But perhaps I over-reacted?
01 May 2003, 09:31 AM
Mr. Dark
And, for the record. . . I LOVE the Harry Potter books. I honestly don't understand the panic over them! Western civilization has told its children fairy tales (which involve witches, etc.) for hundreds of years. In spite of that, Christianity abides.

The Harry Potter books are fantasy. Burning them because they reference wizards, magic and sorcerors seems a bit "narrow" to me, also. My daughter and I went to one of those midnight parties when the fourth one came out, and we are already signed up to attend one for the fifth book coming out. Fantasy. Fantasy. Fantasy. Relax.

If you don't like them, don't buy them and don't read them to your kids.

The symbol of burning books is offensive to me, also; so I hope no one misunderstands my perspective. While it is a manifestation of the burner's free speech rights; I really see it as a means -- at some level -- of trying to control other people's freedom of speech/thought, etc.
01 May 2003, 10:45 AM
Nard Kordell

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 05-01-2003).]
01 May 2003, 11:06 AM
Green Shadow
The Greg Bear essay posted in the first link in NK's post is terrific. Shades of the Patriot Act. The cost of being different is always with us.
01 May 2003, 12:36 PM
Mr. Dark
I had wanted to go check those sites. Looks like they've been self-censored? I've read that Bradbury liked Greg Bear's stuff, so was especially curious about that one. Oh well. Live and [not] learn?
01 May 2003, 02:30 PM
If I may weigh in on the Harry Potter book issue - I read the first one to my daughter and decided to stop. Why? Because (in my humble opinion) they are simply lousy books. While I am strongly in favor of any book that will inspire a love of reading (in child or adult), I chose to stop reading my daughter what I considered schlock, and to start reading her something written a tad better.

But - I suppose - the literary merits of Rowling�s writing is not an appropriate topic for a Ray Bradbury�s discussion board��.
01 May 2003, 02:35 PM
Nard Kordell
Hear Ye! Here Ye! The topic discussed, Harry Potter, will NOT be deemed inappropriate for the Ray Bradbury board.....

Okay, you twisted my arm. I relent ! The 'Greg Bear post has now been UNcensored, and restored....

click on, or type into finder: http://www.tpl.lib.wa.us/v2/News/Events/451/Appreciation.htm
01 May 2003, 02:51 PM
Well, I've called people a lot of things in my time, but "you narrow interpreter!" is probably a first for me.
01 May 2003, 03:37 PM
Mr. Dark
WritingReptile: If you're responding to me, you misunderstood (or I didn't make my meaning clear). What I meant was the you accuse THEM of being narrow interpreters. I don't see you as a narrow interpreter. I have thoroughly enjoyed your interpretations on Bradbury's stuff that you've posted. I see you as a significant asset to this page. When I see your name up there, I look forward to reading your comments. Sorry for the confusion.

Nard: Thanks for reposting the Greg Bear comments (the url) comparing "1984" to "Farenheit 451". I really enjoyed his comments.
01 May 2003, 03:40 PM
Mr. Dark
Chrisman43. Exercising personal taste is not censorship. I love the Potter books, as does my daughter. But we don't all have to agree. Again, that's what I like about being in a free society. With very few exceptions, I think information, ideas, literature, art, etc., should be out there, and people will stop reading/viewing/thinking what they don't like. Others may like it.

For me, the Potter stories are classics. They read well, they deal with good/evil conflicts, they show kids growing up, they have rich characters, the dialog is fun. My daughter and I love them.
01 May 2003, 04:20 PM
I got your meaning exactly, Mr. Dark. I think it is *I* that caused confusion with my wording.

I was trying to say that of all the names that I have called OTHER PEOPLE, this may be the first time I ever called anyone a "narrow interpreter"...and without really realizing it. Well, it was a lame attempt at humor.

I took no offense, but I will take the compliments any day! Of course, I believe your own contributions to this board are beyond measure. I also look forward to your posts.

In fact, while I'm spreading some love around, I want to acknowledge how much I enjoy the company of all the regulars here. It's a warm, caring and passionate community. Even if we do occasionally step on each other's toes, the dance is worth it.

[This message has been edited by WritingReptile (edited 05-01-2003).]