Ray Bradbury Forums
Hi, and.. help!

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16 February 2005, 11:31 PM
Hi, and.. help!
I was hoping to find some information on a story I remember from my childhood but can't quite place. Someone mentioned it sounded like a story from Ray Bradbury so I thought I'd try here.

Honestly though, I read it when I was 5 and most of the salient details are lost to me. What I do remember is a boy, who's best friend or neighbor sees aliens, but.. only catches glimpses out of the corner of his eye. But then the aliens kill the neighbor and start harassing the main character.

I think.

Please let me know if this is either not Ray Bradbury, where I can find it if it is, or just that I'm nuts and had a weird childhood. I'd be eternally grateful.

Thanks so much in advance.

17 February 2005, 04:38 AM
The first Bradbury story to which I would refer you is "Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!" If it's not that, "Don't Look Now," by Henry Kuttner, has resemblances to "Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!" in that they both involve two men discussing a Martian takeover of Earth by subversive means.

"Don't Look Now" also bears a lot of resemblance to an episode of "The Twilight Zone" titled "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?" They both involve discussion in a public place (I believe a bar in the story--I haven't read it in many years--and a cafe in the show--) of a subversive Martian takeover. The ending is the same in that

SPOILERS for both

the Martian is revealed by the presence of a third eye. If a third eye doesn't figure in your story, it isn't the Kuttner one.

You can try here http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1...en&btnG=Search&meta= and here http://forums.abebooks.com/abesleuthcom as the two best places to start searching for the story you described, and there are other sources as well.
23 February 2005, 11:11 AM
Having a third I myself, I resent that Dandelion... LOL!

*#*#*#*#*#*#* BrainSparks
01 March 2005, 06:33 AM
Just want to mention two things to people submitting requests to identify stories not by Ray Bradbury.

1. If you do find or remember what you're after, please, PLEASE post the answer back here on the SAME thread! Otherwise people out there will still be looking for it!

2. If my two suggestions of free Book ID forums do not work, try here: http://www.logan.com/loganberry/stump.html but be aware they do charge $2 a stumper!