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27 December 2005, 07:41 PM
Has anyone read it? It's a tribute anthology of stories by some of the greatest SF authors who were inspired by Bradbury, and each story is linked in some way to a Bradbury story. I found it recently, but couldn't afford to buy it.

Oh, I guess there are some horror/suspense authors participating too. And even RB gets into the act with a refurbished version of a long lost story of his called "The Troll". Asimov does the introduction. I gotta get this thing.

[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 12-28-2005).]
29 December 2005, 03:52 AM
Well, grasstains, I haven't read it either but I did happen to notice that it's one of several books with that same title. I found two other books entitled THE BRADBURY CHRONICLES. How odd. Don't you think so?
29 December 2005, 12:51 PM
Braling II
OK. Things are getting a little TOO lonely over here when folks start talking to themselves! (Ah, Grasstains. May I introduce you to - Grasstains?)
I was able to get the aforementioned book at the local library. Good stuff. I think there are earlier posts here or on the new bord about it...
29 December 2005, 01:46 PM
Nard Kordell
grasstains: Are you answering your own post? Has it gotten THAT empty at this website? Perhaps so!

29 December 2005, 01:54 PM
Nard Kordell
"The Bradbury Chronicles" book you mentioned, I have that one as well!

Contents include:
Intro by William Nolan
Ray: An Appreciation by Isaac Asimov
The Troll/ by Ray Bradbury
One Life, in an Hourglass/ Charles L. grant
Two O'Clock Session/ Richard Matheson
Something in the Earth/ Charles Beaumont
The Inheritance/ Bruce Francis
Centigrade 233/ Gregory Benford
The Other Mars/ Rovert Sheckley

And Others!


grasstains: Don't Let Nard or Braling II intimidate you. There's an easy explanation, I am sure!
(Shh! .... Oh, I thought I heard an echo!!..... )
( ...... .. )!
29 December 2005, 07:54 PM
. . .just the shutters rattling.

Don't know anything about the anthology. Have and have read Mr. Weller's "Bradbury Chronicles." Excellent book; the story about the badminton birdie, and the story about the fireflies both were particularly touching.

Also, Pavel Gubarev/Elron had mentioned on the other site that Russian writers had written a Bradbury tribute book. There are 4 English translations on his immersion.ru site. I've read two of them so far, and would recommend them. It fascinates me how the whole world has been influenced by Ray.

Did you hear those people whispering? Wait, this place doesn't have shutters--why didn't I buy new batteries for this darned flashlight?!
29 December 2005, 11:25 PM
Braling II
Hey, Braling I, I think a few of the members of this site have visited "Marionettes, Inc." ! Could get confusing...
30 December 2005, 05:53 AM
WOW!!! Where'd all you guys come from?

I guess I'll do some searching for those discussions about this particular BRADBURY CHRONICLES. You know... RB did the introduction to FOUNDATION'S FRIENDS (a tribute to Isaac Asimov) an anthology of stories by some of SF's finest taking place in Asimov's Robot/Foundation universe or otherwise related to Asimov's work.

A couple of weeks ago I was browsing through a GOODWILL THRIFT STORE and happened across an older hardback version of THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES. I stuck it under my arm and made a few more selections then waddled up to the checkout stand. As I was waiting in line I flipped the book over and staring back at me was a BLACK-HAIRED MAN... WITH NO GLASSES!!! I flipped it back over to the front to make sure it was TMC and that the man on the back was Bradbury. Sure enough. Waaaiit a minute here... Can't be, no way, never. Not with my luck. Hmmm. Let's check the printing date on the inside. <<<(.)(.)>>> WHAT THE ~@#%*~!!! 1950!!! Yup.
30 December 2005, 05:54 AM
That was $2.00
30 December 2005, 08:40 AM
Nard Kordell

The Goodwill and Salvation Army Thrift stores around the south side of Chicago...maybe elsewhere around here...have become very savvy about books...and those really nice collector copies have been prevented from ever getting to the shelves. Someone with some smarts is doing selection beforehand. You used to find some gems...

That 'The Martian Chronicles' book... is it have a dust jacket??...nice shape??...actually first or is it a second edition?? First edition can bring you hundreds of dollars...
30 December 2005, 04:36 PM
It's in perfect shape, dust jacket and all. I don't know if it's a first edition. It's a SFBC edition and I'd really be surprised if the Science Fiction Book Club has been around that long. I looked at this author directory and the SFBC version is the first TMC listed. It's supposed to be a chronological list, but there's no date next to the SFBC TMC.
30 December 2005, 10:10 PM
Braling II

31 December 2005, 05:09 AM
Lukewarm Sandwich Made For Two?
31 December 2005, 05:11 AM
LIVERWORST Sandwich Made For Two?
31 December 2005, 10:15 AM
Nard Kordell

A Book of the Month Club brings that price waaay down... Sometimes you can't find a edition date on it, but thru the appearance of book may help. For instance, color of binding, indented embossings on the spine near the bottom, etc.

Check out the following website. Type in info in search, and you should find your exact book, with a price attached http://dogbert.abebooks.com/