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That Was Just the Opening Volley, Folks

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25 June 2004, 05:20 AM
That Was Just the Opening Volley, Folks
The real fireworks could start after the movie opens today!
25 June 2004, 09:19 PM
Mr. Dark
You're probably right. I will be hoping they'll be satiated and will just want to sit and bask in the glory that is Michael Moore.
25 June 2004, 09:41 PM
Nard Kordell
Several cable news channels, including people like CNN and MSNBC, have been ripping ''Fahrenheit 9/11'' for its inaccuracies. Peter Jennings, ABC News, did a small piece as well. The one these all tackled ...was the flight of Bin Laden's family out of the United States. All the news networks claim it was a bogus portrayal by Moore.

Let's see, couple months ago it was "The Passion of the Christ." This month and next will be "Fahrenheit 9/11".

Any chances on a 3rd one creating as much debate this year as well...?
26 June 2004, 06:34 PM
Too bad MM's films aren't as good as his strategies to get people to watch them.

ehh. Bowling for Columbine taught me my lesson.
27 June 2004, 01:26 AM
It sounds like you've already made your decision on what the movie is about, nard kordell. I hope that you get over your stubornness one day and watch the movie. I thought it was excellent. I was extremely pissed during the entire thing and walked out of the place in a daze. The bradbury connection really is meaningless, because the movie is so much more important that a silly movie title.

Also, it looks like the media was wrong about the bogus portrayal. If you are curious, read more: http://www.michaelmoore.com/mustread/f911facts/isikoff.php
27 June 2004, 08:31 PM
You know what's funny,of all the real government conspiricies out there, people need to make ones up.

One important skill is to know when people are lying to you.

If a group of people all commited suicide with the same gun, and each was shot from the other end of the room. You're being lied to. Espcially if all these people were going to testify against the president in the late nineties.

If a news service, in a country that speaks another language, has an interview, and the interview is translated by people who want to make somebody look bad, and they have them saying things completely contradictory like, "MM is an asshole" and "I hope we can settle this like gentlemen."

You're being lied to.

And if a guy admits his film is biased, the entire media says it's crap, and he has "facts" that only he has, and everybody else is like WTF?

I'll let you figuer it out.