Ray Bradbury Forums
Christians Pray for Ray's Salvation (Pt 2)

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19 December 2009, 07:15 AM
Christians Pray for Ray's Salvation (Pt 2)
Nard, I send you unlimited good wishes. Get well soon.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
19 December 2009, 06:28 PM
My prayers are with you, Nard.

Email: ordinis@gmail.com
20 December 2009, 08:12 AM
Sam Weller
Love and prayers for Nard Kordell. Merry Christmas, my friend. You're the best.
21 December 2009, 06:02 PM
I wonder if we could each write a little something to be collectively delivered to Nard.

Email: ordinis@gmail.com
22 December 2009, 07:20 AM
Doug Spaulding
Perhaps, if anybody lives near him who might be planning a visit. Volunteers?

"Live Forever!"
22 December 2009, 06:12 PM
Braling II
Not fair.
God be with you, brother Nard.
08 February 2010, 09:00 PM
Nard Kordell
missed alot last bunch of weeks. Slowly try to work my way back.

Thank you to all the well wishers...Nard stated
will write later..M.Kordell
Wife of Nard.
Thank you

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Nard Kordell,
09 February 2010, 07:10 AM
Doug Spaulding
The brightest blessings to you both!

"Live Forever!"
10 February 2010, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Doug Spaulding:
The brightest blessings to you both!

Yes, we are pulling for you!
02 April 2010, 02:59 AM
Interesting read here....so ray's shooting for 90!! WOW!!Smiler

"Once a Ray Bradbury fan, always a Ray Bradbury fan!"Smiler
02 April 2010, 08:14 AM
blue bottle
I wish Nard all the best!
03 October 2010, 08:59 PM
Dave M
Mr. Bradbury's work is positively STUFFED with God! Not the evangelical Christian God, or the God of any other denomination, but the Creator of this wondrous universe who laid the touch of magic upon all of creation.

Ray Bradbury can see that magical light in all things. And wonder of wonders, he has been able to share it with us in such delightful abundance.

God is too big to fit into one building, or one set of ideas. God is, pure and simple, no matter which of his infinite faces we may see. If Jesus was around today, chances are he'd be literate, which he almost certainly was not. And I would bet that he and Mr. Bradbury could have some remarkable conversations. I would imagine much the same could be said of Mohammed, Abraham, Gautama Buddha, Zoroaster, and who knows how many prophets and teachers.

If anyone believes that a man whose writings practically glow with spirituality is "lost", they had best take a look at their own path and where it is leading them.

"We love you. Remember that. We all love you. No matter how different you are, no matter if you leave us one day" --"Homecoming".
20 January 2011, 12:45 PM
Blind Henry
Praying for Ray Bradbury and Nard as well.

Any updates on either gentleman?
20 January 2011, 02:06 PM
Blind Henry, I'm sorry you didn't hear about it until now, but Nard is no longer with us. He passed away last year.

(My brief recollections of Nard are here.)

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
22 January 2011, 05:07 AM
Blind Henry
Wow! That really stinks. It had been a long time since I checked in on this site and apparently I've missed much.

I always enjoyed reading Nard's posts and seeing some of the photos he had of himself and Mr. Bradbury. I never met Nard and I know some folks were offended with these threads praying for Mr. Bradbury. Nard's absence will surely be missed and this board will be a lesser forum with him gone. It is neat though to imagine Nard in heaven worshiping his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that one day Nard will bump into Mr. Bradbury up there too.

Best wishes to all. I'm going for a walk in the woods.