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Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics.

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29 November 2007, 01:14 AM
Phil Knox
Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics.
Nico- How naive.

You never heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? The translation is identical to the Biblical text we have today.

To the Muslim, Jesus is a prophet, nothing else. If you are a practicing Muslim, you cannot have a daughter in your family going out with a Christian believer. Usually they beat her to a pulp in the Islamic culture. Another man can never look at a married woman's face, or body, in public. You catch those women draped black with a little laced vent for their mouth and eyesight at the local Mall? For those who firmly adhere to Islamic teaching, it's always been that way. Author Salman Rushdie got into big trouble with his book, Satanic Verses, because he divulged verses that were dictated by the devil to Muhammad, an event that was never to be made public or the person would be put to death. Hence, Rushdie has had a death warrant on his life since the publication of the book. Different groups have offered large rewards for Rushdie's life, including Iran. The amount at one time was in excess of $2 Million US dollars.

29 November 2007, 03:54 AM
And the British taxpayer is footing the bill ...
29 November 2007, 04:11 AM
Correction! It cost us £2million plus to protect Rushdie's freedom of speech. Voltaire had his moments, but he got it right on this one.
29 November 2007, 07:05 AM

To the Muslim, Jesus is a prophet, nothing else. If you are a practicing Muslim, you cannot have a daughter in your family going out with a Christian believer. Usually they beat her to a pulp in the Islamic culture. Another man can never look at a married woman's face, or body, in public. You catch those women draped black with a little laced vent for their mouth and eyesight at the local Mall? For those who firmly adhere to Islamic teaching, it's always been that way. Author Salman Rushdie got into big trouble with his book, Satanic Verses, because he divulged verses that were dictated by the devil to Muhammad, an event that was never to be made public or the person would be put to death. Hence, Rushdie has had a death warrant on his life since the publication of the book. Different groups have offered large rewards for Rushdie's life, including Iran. The amount at one time was in excess of $2 Million US dollars.

This is all common knowledge.

Email: ordinis@gmail.com
29 November 2007, 07:59 AM
Phil Knox
Nico: You didn't make it sound that way! Whatever you do don't say anything bad about Muhammad. But you can bad mouth Jesus and insult His love.

By the way, you didn't want to include the Dead Sea Scrolls in the retrieved quote above?

One last one: The original signers of the Declaration would never recognize our freedom of speech today. It was supposed to always be created by moral judgment and sound character. Today's freedom of speech would be foreign to the framers of the constitution.

29 November 2007, 08:25 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Phil Knox:
Nico- How naive.

Or as Barney Fife would say: how nave!

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 08:27 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Phil Knox:
Usually they beat her to a pulp in the Islamic culture.

Mr Knox is right on the money, as they say (no cliche intended). At Bel Air Pres, our sister church is in Egypt, and through them we heard of a recent incident in which a young woman was killed by her family for converting to Christianity.

Fundamentalists are dangerous persons.

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 08:28 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Phil Knox:
Author Salman Rushdie got into big trouble with his book, Satanic Verses, because he divulged verses that were dictated by the devil to Muhammad...

What devil?

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 08:30 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Phil Knox:
But you can bad mouth Jesus and insult His love.

I didn't see Nico bad-mouthing Jesus (or insulting his love).

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 08:30 AM
Braling II
Reading "Christianity on Trial", which I recently read, would benefit anyone interested in the Founding Fathers and the history of our country, especially regarding Christianity.
29 November 2007, 08:31 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Phil Knox:
By the way, you didn't want to include the Dead Sea Scrolls in the retrieved quote above?

Now Mr Knox, don't be so paranoid.

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 08:31 AM
Doug Spaulding
This subject is headed straight for The Orange Crop!

"Live Forever!"
29 November 2007, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Doug Spaulding:
[QUOTE]What devil?

No one says "what devil?" unless they mean there is No devil! Spaulding, are you a Jehovah Witness?
29 November 2007, 12:36 PM
Spaulding, your cover is blown!

Now, if you had asked "Which devil?" it would be a different matter...

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
29 November 2007, 03:04 PM
FURTHER CORRECTION. It cost the British public FOUR MILLION smackeroonies (approx 8m US dollars) for Special Branch to protect Mr Rushdie over a 4-year period. Whether it was Rushdie's naivety, his publishers' or that of his antagonists one can only conjecture.

And, yes, Mr Spaulding, young women are frequently murdered for failing to comply with their menfolks' irrational beliefs both here and abroad.

Fundamentalism of any stripe is abhorrent, whether initiated by Jim Jones, David Koresh or the perpetrators of your New York or our London atrocities.

Braling II! You sound so lovely. I could do with a hug but you're 3,000 miles away ...