Ray Bradbury Forums
A Bradbury Kind of Sunset

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15 September 2006, 09:51 PM
A Bradbury Kind of Sunset
Please forgive me all for doing this, but my wife Barbara took this photo from the back window of our apartment and I thought the colors and all were quite fantastic and looked like a Bradbury kind of sunset.

16 September 2006, 01:25 PM
21 September 2006, 01:04 PM
Oh wow, that's beautiful. Kinda looks like the end of the world though. Red of fires against the dark clouds etc. Dunno if it's a bradbury kinda sunset but it's certainly ominous. You could weave a story around an image like that.

I tried to change the world but they wouldn't give me the source code
21 September 2006, 01:09 PM
Thanks Shylil for your comments. We can see some really neat sunsets. There was one last night but I couldn't get into the right position to take a photo.

I like your comment about wanting to change the world but no one would give you the source code. In my advertising job we work with source codes all the time and you have to have the correct source code or nothing is going to happen.
21 September 2006, 03:19 PM
Braling II
So, you're on the West coast where you can see the sun go into the sea?
22 September 2006, 12:17 AM
Chapter 31
Sunrise, FL, USA?
22 September 2006, 08:38 AM
Braling II and Chapter 31, the ideal place to see the sunset here in Florida is Mallory Square in Key West and the one time that I was there we saw it. It was awesome! The sun just slips into the Gulf of Mexico, or so it seems.

Sunrise is just west of Ft. Lauderdale and we see the sun setting over the Everglades. We live about a mile from the eastern boundary. I would imagine that anywhere on the West Coast, i.e., Naples, Marco Island, Ft. Meyers, Sarasota, etc., would be spectacular as well, however, when I have been over there at sun set I was traveling on 75 going north which is inland a bit and the sunset is obscured by trees.
22 September 2006, 08:46 AM
LA Woman gonna have ta do - I see your hair is burnin' ...

As usual at this time of year the smoke clouds wafe over the sea and as the Sun sets in the west you can look directly at the ball of flame through the filter of those dark clouds and it looks very orange and terribly October Country. I did not have a chance to take a photo, but I have seen this scene many times and it always makes me feel like a Bradbury story is about to start.
22 September 2006, 11:39 AM
Hey Pete, glad that you have had some neat sun sets as well. Our windows to the west are section by frames breaking them into six different windows. I would love that it would all be one large picture window. But it would be impractical due to the fact that we love to have the windows open in the winter and don't have to run the A/C.
23 September 2006, 07:31 AM
Mr. Dark
That is a powerful sunset. It does evoke Bradbury's Poe-ish work to me, as well. I'm in Texas. We don't get many sunsets over the ocean shots here north of Dallas. Bummer. We do get some great and powerful "big sky" sunrises and sunsets, though. They make the area beautiful. It goes to one of the great aesthetic questions: Can true beauty be permanant and fixed, or is it, by definition, transitory? Even at a theological level, the truth of God is, perhaps, fixed; but our encounter with God is transitory.
24 September 2006, 05:20 PM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by Mr. Dark:
Even at a theological level, the truth of God is, perhaps, fixed; but our encounter with God is transitory.

As someone who just graduated with a Bachelor's in Theology, may I say that was beautifully put!

"Live Forever!"
25 September 2006, 05:06 AM
Mr. Dark
Thanks! Congratulations on your graduation! One of my life do-overs would include a theology degree. Do good things with it!
25 September 2006, 07:32 AM
Braling II
"As the sun pulls away from the shore, and our boat sinks slowly in the West..."
I think of that intro to Spike Jones' "Hawaiian War Chant" every time I see this thread...

I've attempted to attach related photos, but I still have trouble adding more than one...

25 September 2006, 07:34 AM
Braling II
Here's another.

25 September 2006, 07:35 AM
Braling II
One more.