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Ray's 92nd birthday

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22 August 2012, 01:28 AM
Ray's 92nd birthday
Today would have been Ray Bradbury's 92nd birthday. Happy Birthday, Mr B! I just wish you could be here with us.

On my blog for today I've posted links to a couple of lengthy audio programmes from Michael Cart and Brian Sibley, and in recent posts I've gathered some of the announced events for today and later in the week.

Audio programmes are here.

Events are here.

The events list is selective rather than exhaustive. There's plenty of other stuff going on, too!

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
23 August 2012, 11:26 AM
I was surrounded by dinosaurs, mummies, rocket ships, images of Red Mars, strange masks from ancient cultures, huge whales floating in space, old and new modes of transportation rattling and rolling by slowly or in blurs, children of all ages were running about laughing - parents chasing close behind....

The metaphors were intense and obvious at every turn. We were viewing historical exhibits at the Museums of the Smithsonian Institute (DC). It was August 22, of course! Happy Birthday, Mr. B!

Then, at 3:00am during a ten hour drive homeward, the news comes over the radio of "Bradbury Landing" being officially established.

Many Things Wonderful, This Way Come!
23 August 2012, 12:23 PM
In case you are not aware of this (not my first choice for information) Ray Bradbury Week


John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley