Ray Bradbury Forums
Fahrenheit 451 + 911

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29 June 2004, 07:31 PM
Fahrenheit 451 + 911
First off, please dont namecall each other on their opinions. I love Mr. Bradbury's book, infact, he took his time out to sign my copy of Fahrenheit 451. Its a beautiful book and I'm glad he loves his fans enough to do this. I also saw Fahrenheit 911 and I have to tell you, it was beautiful. My dad came with me (he's now out of the army after fighting in Desert Storm) and we both ended up crying. He was a big Bush supporter but now, (even though he believes some of the info to be false) he's going to be voting for Kerry. What got to him was the reactions of the soldiers and of the parents of deceased soldiers. Please, see the movie before you talk bad about it. I am not a big Moore fan, but this movie has facts that cannot be refuted. I would like to thank BOTH Bradbury and Moore to showing me that this world would be horrible with censorship and I wish them both full, happy lives.
29 June 2004, 07:43 PM
I would like to see what other people thought of Fahrenheit 911. What was your favorite part? Britney Spears was hilarious. But I'd have to say my favorite part was when that woman went to the White House. That made me furious of how people have no decency, saying how that woman was 'staging' it even after she proved her son was dead.