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The wonderful ice cream suit

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13 April 2003, 03:34 AM
The wonderful ice cream suit
I would like to help Ray Bradbury get the movie "The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit" to the big screen who's with me.
13 April 2003, 06:30 AM
Wonderful idea--how do you plan to do it?
13 April 2003, 10:24 AM
inkky100, I hate to be a pessimist, but the chances of this happening are virtually zero. The film was originally planned by Disney as a direct-to-video release. Then, Ray and director Stuart Gordon were unable to convince Disney to release the film to theaters, despite great audience reaction at various previews. (I attended such a showing in Chicago, and the audience reaction was fantastic.) Also, the film has already been released to video. However, I could not agree with you more...the film is wonderful and deserved a theatrical release. Promoted properly, this is a film that would have attracted adults as well as youngsters, and I think it could have done very well at the box office.
13 April 2003, 10:36 AM
Green Shadow
I'm with you. What's your idea??
13 April 2003, 05:17 PM
Nard Kordell
Hey, has TWICS film ever been on TV yet?

Or on cable, for instance?

I agree. Getting it to the movies is probably nill. After "Something Wicked This Way Comes" bombed from Disney, they actually changed their name to Touchstone. It was at a time the name Disney didn't seem to be magic anymore.....

By the way, dozens and dozens of films with good size budgets line the shelves of the ...room of undisclosed ambitions. Some never even make it even to video. Good grief!
19 April 2003, 02:35 AM
Well I was just thinking here in LA this weekend a friend and I were going to have petition signed by all the people comming to his book signing, Rays book signing and a bunch of others writers will be there also. I was also thinking of doing something like a chain letter.
Originally posted by Richard:
inkky100, I hate to be a pessimist, but the chances of this happening are virtually zero. The film was originally planned by Disney as a direct-to-video release. Then, Ray and director Stuart Gordon were unable to convince Disney to release the film to theaters, despite great audience reaction at various previews. (I attended such a showing in Chicago, and the audience reaction was fantastic.) Also, the film has already been released to video. However, I could not agree with you more...the film is wonderful and deserved a theatrical release. Promoted properly, this is a film that would have attracted adults as well as youngsters, and I think it could have done very well at the box office.

19 April 2003, 08:20 PM
Nard Kordell

G o f o r i t ! ! ! ! ! ! !
26 April 2003, 01:30 PM
I was thinking of starting with a chain letter email and maybe getting enough names to persuide disney to take a second look.

Originally posted by dandelion:
Wonderful idea--how do you plan to do it?

29 March 2021, 05:48 PM
"Hand me that Brillo pad!"

Resurrecting this thread with a short clip of what is, for me at least, the funniest scene in the film version of Ray Bradbury's THE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT: where Vamanos (wonderfully played by an unrecognizable Edward James Olmos) is given a forced bath. As I have mentioned in previous posts on this Board, I was fortunate enough to attend a theatrical screening of the film here in Chicago before the film (sadly) was released directly to video, with Ray and director Stuart Gordon both in attendance. And I still remember how the theater's audience howled with laughter during this scene:


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30 April 2021, 09:25 PM
"Don't hit him! Hit me!"

Protecting the suit at all costs...another very funny clip from the film version of THE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT:

14 May 2021, 06:32 PM
And here is the story as it appeared in the pages of THE SATURDAY EVENING POST in 1958, as "The Magic White Suit":

18 June 2024, 11:58 AM
The link below will take to to an brief interview with Roy E. Disney, former Disney executive and nephew of Walt Disney. In the interview, Mr. Disney discusses Disney's film version of THE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT, how it came about, and why it did not receive a theatrical release.
