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May he rest in peace...

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11 June 2012, 06:41 AM
Skot Pierson
May he rest in peace...
The last remaining hero of my childhood, RAY BRADBURY, has died.
With all of the chaos going on in my life, I guess I can understand how I could have missed this in the news last week, but it still is strange that I wouldn't have noticed SOMETHING about it; this man (along with Rod Serling and Gene Roddenberry) was the last of my 'creative inspirational trinity' if you will. Their combined works were the reason that, while in the middle of a somewhat nightmare inducing childhood, I always had a place to retreat to and experience the joyful light of a brighter world of potential futures and because of them I never lost my persistence to dream and eventually to write. Had it not been for these three incredibly talented men of vision and imagination, my world would have been a much darker place, and I am profoundly thankful for the three of them having shined their light on me and in my life.
May they all rest in peace.
11 June 2012, 11:08 AM
A sad piece of news for all serious readers and RB fans alikeFrownerFrowner.......RIP Ray and thank you sir for making me dream and come alive even more with your books, in primis The Illustrated Man....till we meet again one day over (or undrer SmilerSmiler) the oceanSmiler

"Once a Ray Bradbury fan, always a Ray Bradbury fan!"Smiler
13 June 2012, 07:58 PM
Mike Langford
Bravo and well said, Mr. Pierson!

Bradbury, Serling, and Roddenberry! Excelsior! Ad astra!

The three creative souls you selected for mention are among the most kind, erudite, and optimistic indeed of those thought of when sci-fi, science-fiction, and fantasy are mentioned. Actually, it may be specifically because of their humane and positive outlook that they are known and admired so universally.

Of course, another incredibly creative trio that was closer to home for Ray grew out of his childhood friendships with Ray Harryhausen and Forrest Ackerman. These three sat shoulder to shoulder and signed autographs at a recent Comic Con in San Diego.

Alas! Almost all of the true greats of Hollywood and of the printed page have ;passed on!