Ray Bradbury Forums
27 March 2006, 09:46 PM
Thank you so much for the prompting. And thank you for the kind compliment. I only hope that what I post is of interest to others and, with my being to visit with Ray every once in a while, to be able to interject a thought or comment of his.
Nancy, I did as you said and it comes up with "No Matches Found." So I am not sure what I am doing wrong, or not doing correctly.
27 March 2006, 10:37 PM
N. K. LoveBizarro mundo. Try google--his name, my name, San Antonio Express News, November 2005.
Or! Since the entire interview was three times the length of the piece that was published, send me your email address and I'll forward the whole thing to you.
So easy.
28 March 2006, 08:35 PM
Depth PerceptionUpon my first surveyance of this site, I had labeled the older of the frequent posters the "elders," if you will, of the site. Now I see that I was missing a considerable number of posters. Long story short, this thread is a
great read.
So many fascinating articles and frenzied side plots.
My interest has been peaked.
My greetings to N.K. Love, FH 451, The Lake, pterran, and patrask. I submit myself at your feet for learning.

just here to eavesdrop on the greats. figured i had better let you all know that i'm tip-toeing around the place...
The facts speak for themselves.
29 March 2006, 07:10 AM
Braling IIWelcome to the Bradbury-inspired mélange!
30 March 2006, 04:40 PM
The LakeRepeat photo with "cool" headliner. Another opportunity for an RB book signing:
http://www.laist.com/archives/2006/03/30/ray_bradbury_l...est_octogenarian.phpThanks, DP. I'm a hunter and a gatherer when I have the time.
30 March 2006, 08:51 PM
Depth PerceptionAn audible chuckle left my lips when i read that, The Lake. And thank you for my report coversheet. I was wondering what sort of a picture to get. Octogenarian is definitely finding a niche in my paper somewheres or other.
(I always say that and never write it- is it "somewheres or other/another" or "somewheres a'ruther"?) either way, there's a will and a way to sneak that word in...
The facts speak for themselves.
30 March 2006, 10:10 PM
biplane1Depth Perception, did you catch my invitation to email me? I am not sure when your paper is due, but I have some information which you might find useful, but could being boring to the board in general. My email is clmi9901@msn.com.
02 April 2006, 05:43 PM
The LakeANOTHER great review for the off-broadway production of F-451:
http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2006/04/02/opinionist_thea_8.phpDarabonte, Gibson, movie big-wigs, are you paying attention?!
07 April 2006, 05:04 AM
The LakeNew article with quotes from RB. Note his comment about Gibson.
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/features/20060407-9999-1c07ray.html07 April 2006, 06:24 AM
rocketExcellent article, thanks Lake. The boy's still got it. The x-factor!
She stood silently looking out into the great sallow distances of sea bottom, as if recalling something, her yellow eyes soft and moist...
07 April 2006, 10:10 PM
dandelionWonder if anyone knows how often Ray sleeps and for how long at a time. He said years ago he conserved energy by taking lots of naps, presumably more frequently since his stroke. I've often pondered how much a person could get done by NEVER sleeping--but have heard of people endangering their health by trying such things!
10 April 2006, 01:43 PM
Nard Kordelldandelion:
The record is 11 days, no sleep! Supposedly the person was nearly incoherent. (Google 'sleep deprivation' for more info)
11 April 2006, 02:02 AM
dandelionSo they proved it could be done--and certainly in pressured situations people have gone long periods without sleep--but as far as doing quality work in that state...?
18 April 2006, 05:37 AM
The LakeEditorial about the LA monorail idea and some interesting facts. Ray was and is a visionary.
http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/04/18/opinion/strickland/41706192451.txt18 April 2006, 09:41 AM
Chapter 31Some are talking monorail here in the Hartford CT area also and I’d love it but don’t think it will happen because of the New England weather.