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19 June 2004, 08:02 AM
I am SOOOO disappointed, Mr Bradbury.

I'm Norwegian and I learned to love your stories as a child and in Norwegian. Since English tutoring was so slow at school, I taught myself to read English (using only a dictionary) so that I could read more of your stories (and those of other greats, like Heinlein, Asimov, and Clark).

You have entertained and enlightened countless millions with your work, and been an inspiration to aspiring writers for decades... but now I am totally shocked and disappointed and angry. For the first time I'm thinking of your person i negative terms:

(Language deleted out of respect for Ray. In our latest phone conversation, his only complaint with the recent "Chicago Reader" article was "use of the f-word, as it's unnecessary," although the article said a number of other things, not all of them complimentary. -- Dandelion)

And you don't OWN the word 'Fahrenheit', or have exclusive rights to putting a number after that word, do you!

If you don't clean up your act (childish, as some other poster pointed out - indeed) I'll take my Bradbury books and find some way to make the paper reach Fahrenheit 451.

(Now, how's that for childish? --Dandelion)

I'm sorry to say, even if you do change tacks (you greedy, petty jerk!) I have permanently lost a lot of respect for you. I feel like writing you an obituary. In a way, a childhood hero of mine just died.

Very, very sad.

PS. I'm sorry if I used any terms that are similar to titles of your books, Mr bradbury. Please feel free to sue me and have a whining fit, if I have done so. ;-)

[This message has been edited by dandelion (edited 06-19-2004).]
19 June 2004, 09:42 AM
Oh, Dandelion. Time for a little cleaning up here, isn't it?


The rule around here is to keep it clean. School-aged children use this site as a resource. By all means, express your opinion but watch your language and don't be hateful or hurtful about it.


19 June 2004, 12:38 PM
Mr. Dark
I agree. Let's keep this a good, clean site where people young and old can come for information on Bradbury. This post/thread does not contribute to that. Language concerns and civility are not inappropriate considerations just because many think there are no limits on crudeness.
19 June 2004, 12:38 PM
Fair enough on the language (though it always amuses me how Americans think cussWORDS can do any harm), but my profound diappointment in Mr Bradbury stands, whether it is "hurtful" or not.

"Hateful"? Was it not clear that I love Mr Bradbury's work but am disappointed/disgusted?
19 June 2004, 12:40 PM
Mr. Dark
As a response, I'm always amused by the judgementalism by many non-Americans against Americans -- especially those of persons in various parts of Europe. What gives with that? I don't know that I've ever published criticsm or attacks on Norway.

Also, you miss the point of the debate. As has been stated ad infinitum, the issue is not that Bradbury is claiming exlusive legal rights to the word Farenheit; the hijacking of the term, in violation of Bradbury's opposition is tacky and classless. If you're going to argue, argue the issue.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Dark (edited 06-19-2004).]
19 June 2004, 12:41 PM
"many think there are no limits on crudeness"

Oh my, if my modest use of swearwords constitutes extreme crudeness or something, I suspect you have been raised in a church and never ventured outside. Too funny.
19 June 2004, 12:43 PM
Mr. Dark
Again, what is funny is your lack of boundaries and your willingness to smugly sit in arrogant, superior judgement on others.
19 June 2004, 12:43 PM
"I'm always amused by the judgementalism by many non-Americans against Americans"

Amused? If you say so. Let me educate you:

Americans as a group are (rightly) perceived as navelgazing polluters with absolutely no respect for international treaties or global concerns. Oh, and we are tired of your constant warfare and puritanism.
19 June 2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Mr. Dark:
Again, what is funny is your lack of boundaries and your willingness to smugly sit in arrogant, superior judgement on others.

Right ;-)

These boards are uncomfortable. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm leaving. Have fun agreeing together, and make sure you don't use any indecent words.
19 June 2004, 12:50 PM
Fine, feel free to publish any criticism about Norway, hehe. Do a search. See if you find any area at all whre Norway does not lead the USA in terms of human rights, social welfare, foreign aid, or any other area you feel is important in gauging a nation.
19 June 2004, 01:07 PM
dear, dear, this is all very silly. I'M and american and NOT PROUD of it. our country is a prude, a bizarre and thoughtless monster...unfortunately its citizens too often follow suit.

[This message has been edited by none (edited 06-19-2004).]
19 June 2004, 01:12 PM
Please e-mail me, None. I'm always interested in talking to the remaining REAL Americans.

The world needs the USA Jefferson envisioned and Kennedy tried to resurrect. May you have many children, None, your country will need more like you.
19 June 2004, 01:32 PM
One should try to understand the point of view that the stories written by Mr. Bradbury are like his "children". He has fought all his life to keep others from changing the original versions, always wanting control over his intellectual property, his "Children", so that someone with a different agenda, or motive, would not change the written work for the wrong reasons. Viewed in this context, is it not to be expected that Ray would be insulted and rightfully upset that someone has borrowed a title of his most famous and respected work for the express purpose of making a buck on a movie? If that is not Mr. Moore's purpose, then it is just a case of being insenitive to the creative feelings of a recongnized American literary icon, and says more about Mr. Moore than anything about Mr. Bradbury.
19 June 2004, 03:28 PM

Precisely what do we fear in the expression of others? Why do we protect children from certain words? Perhaps a child's education is most fruitful when it enables an alternate viewpoint, or an alternate manner of speech to be heard.

"How far progress and <br />regression are intertwined <br />today can be seen in the <br />notion of technical <br />possibilities....The <br />fascinated eagerness to <br />consume the latest process <br />of the day not only leads <br />to indifference towards the <br />matter transmitted by the <br />process, but encourages <br />stationary rubbish and <br />calculated idiocy."<br /><br />-Theodor Adorno
19 June 2004, 03:39 PM
Likewise, Mr. Bradbury's "children" (as if a parent unquestionably OWNS his child, as if an artist unquestionably CONTROLS the trajectory of his artwork, as it is received by society) should have free interaction with readers, fans of Mr. Bradbury, those who dislike his work.
For those who defend Mr. Bradbury's pathetically public complaints on non-legal grounds, I ask: do we consult the author when we read his work? Do we tiptoe around every word we have learned (because surely the words we use in everyday speech are not solely our own) for the sake of the (presumed) inventor's intentions? Such would be a sad disabling of human language.

"How far progress and <br />regression are intertwined <br />today can be seen in the <br />notion of technical <br />possibilities....The <br />fascinated eagerness to <br />consume the latest process <br />of the day not only leads <br />to indifference towards the <br />matter transmitted by the <br />process, but encourages <br />stationary rubbish and <br />calculated idiocy."<br /><br />-Theodor Adorno