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ALBUM 2 ≈ Ray's 87th

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31 August 2007, 12:24 PM
ALBUM 2 ≈ Ray's 87th
"You want a who on the what now?"

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
31 August 2007, 02:09 PM
Doug Spaulding
Since it was a Cuban Bakery, perhaps they asked jkt to "splain"!

"Live Forever!"
01 September 2007, 02:18 PM
Ah, I wouldn't know anything about that. Not too many Cuban bakeries round these parts.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
02 September 2007, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by philnic:
Ah, I wouldn't know anything about that. Not too many Cuban bakeries round these parts.

Ray has a nice story that takes place in Cuba about Hemingway.

John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley
02 September 2007, 01:50 PM
Does it involve a parrot? I think I know that one...

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
02 September 2007, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by philnic:
Does it involve a parrot? I think I know that one...

The Parrot Who Met Pappa.

John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley
17 March 2009, 04:02 PM
Will Ray Bradbury be speaking up in the Pasadena/Glendale area in April by any chance?
17 March 2009, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Salamander:
Will Ray Bradbury be speaking up in the Pasadena/Glendale area in April by any chance?

Not that I am aware of at this time. March 29th is the Paperback Show but Mr. B does not speak at that. The first Saturday in April he should be at the Falling Upward performance in North Hollyood's, El Portal Theatre.

John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley