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Overlooked Stories

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01 January 2002, 05:12 PM
Overlooked Stories
Many well known stories are frequently mentioned as fan favorites.

But I like to find stories that have been overlooked. How about nominating your favorite story that was NOT in The Stories of Ray Bradbury?

For me, it has to be The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl, a minor psychological masterpiece. How that one got left out, I'll never know.
02 January 2002, 12:40 AM
That one is exellent!!! My favorite unsung story is in S is for space, it is Chrysalis
probably one of the best of his transitional
alien pieces, some what like Fever Dream.
"Come into My Cellar" is another alien invasion twist. There is a marvelous poem in Dinosaur Tales, called Lo the Dear Daft Dinosaurs!" it is illustrated, along with other Dino stories, I have a copy that was Published by Barnes and Noble Books in 1996.
In the Toynbee Convector the story "Trapdoor"
"Banshee" was an episode brought to life in the Ray Bradbury Theater series with Peter o Toole playing John. "The Smile", "The Man" and a mission of mercy in "EN LA NOCHE".
My favorite stories come from A Medicine for Melancholy the title story and the Marriage Mender are my All time Favorites when it comes to relationships. Thanks for the subject, I have been rereading most of the night... DRW
02 January 2002, 03:51 AM
When "The Stories of Ray Bradbury" came out I remember saying I agreed with 95% of the selections. The only one I remember offhand that I would have included instead was "Downwind from Gettysburg" and the only one I would have left off was "The Aqueduct"; the four other changs escape me at the moment.
02 January 2002, 06:24 AM
Recall another substitution: toss "McGillahee's Brat" (preferably, as far as you can throw him) and replace it with "The Haunting of the New." Someone was tipping a few too many at Heber Finn's pub when *that* decision was made!
02 January 2002, 09:35 AM
And how about "The Swan", a very fine sentimental piece that was part of Dandelion Wine?

By the way, uncle (I'll bet very few people noticed this!) the ending of "Trapdoor" is different than the original Omni magazine version!