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my own emissary

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01 November 2004, 11:09 AM
my own emissary
Funny story that happened this weekend. My dog who incidentally is named "Dog" (not as a Bradbury reference, but simply because nobody ever came up with a good name that all agreed on) disappeared on Thursday evening. He was sitting on the couch and, next thing you know, he was gone. Well, after thoroughly searching the house, the yard, and the neighborhood (on all assortments of cars, bikes, scooters, and sneakers) returned downheartedly home, hoping he'd turn up. We made signs the next day, and kept an eye peeled, but to no avail. Well, Saturday my sister threw a party at her house for my nephew (who turns 3 today) and when my brother and I returned home, there was "the mutt" (our other name for him) right there in the back yard as if nothing had happened! At first I was afraid to pet him (who knows where he had been digging!) but eventually it turned out that he was found by one of my brother's friends, who simply returned him to our yard. Dog kept licking his paws, though, I guess they must have been sore. Who knows where he really did go for those two days!
01 November 2004, 02:59 PM
I have a real-life Bradbury thing going on in my life right now also. Tomorrow I'm to vote at a Unitarian Hall(church).