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Question concerning Martian Chronicles.

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24 March 2002, 12:18 AM
Question concerning Martian Chronicles.
I am sure most of those who writes here has this book at home. I need to find several sentences in original version. I read this book in russian and cannot find electronic Martian Chronicles to read these sentences in eglish.
These sentences are in the end of "Night meeting" (August 2002) story of chronicles.
I would translate it the following way:
No, none of us is alive or dead. Or rather alive than dead. Or to be more exact, we are as if in the middle. Look: two wanderers who met on their ways. Two strangers which have own roads.

Could please anybody to find how it was written by Bradbury?
Thanks in advance.
24 March 2002, 11:07 AM
Here is the complete paragraph from August 2002: Night Meeting in English:

"Everything in me denies this. My heart beats, my stomach hungers, my mouth thirsts. No, no, not dead, not alive, either of us. More alive than anything else. Caught between is more like it. Two strangers passing in the night, that is it. Two strangers passing. Ruins, you say?"
24 March 2002, 11:42 AM
Thanks again! :-)